
From album covers to social media content and promotional shots for your band’s website, let’s echo your music into images.

Before we start, I find it incredibly helpful to have a chat with you to explore what you’re looking for. Whether you have clear visual references or just a vision, we’ll work together to bring it to life.

A photo session can take place indoors or outdoors.

Check available dates using BOOK link below or contact me via email or 07788294810 Kate

Package includes:

  • A communication prior the session

  • 1 hour session (interior or exterior)

  • A private online gallery with all good (non edited) digital images to download.

  • 5 chosen by you images sent back with colour grading and retouching

  • Additional images grading and retouching £10

  • £100

Pocket studio photography Professional headshots Hastings Studio portraits media content promotional shots musicians
Pocket studio photography Professional headshots Hastings Studio portraits media content promotional shots musicians.jpg
Pocket studio photography Professional headshots Hastings Studio portraits media content promotional shots musicians